everlasting flux

we glide through our lives in a blur, blissfully ignorant to the fact that we’re passing by valuable memories without appreciating them for their worth. we are unaware of the fact that each and every second that we experience is unique to itself, and virtually impossible to re-create. though we are conscious beings, we seem to live in the unconscious; unaware of the fact that there are all of these precious moments all around us, all the time. we never realize just how much we should value these moments as we live through them, until they’re gone; it only becomes a conscious thought when we reminisce by looking at old photos and reading through old text messages, and it’s only then when we truly appreciate the high points in our lives like we should. like the sand in an hourglass running out, we let these memories slip out of our reach, and the sadness of the bitter reality hits us like a train wreck. but it’s only after the fact; it’s too late when we look in the past. all we can do now is wish for more memories like such to come our way, and to hope that we truly grasp their meaning before they become nothing but old memories.

