Sexism, Misogyny, and Double Standards: Society’s Flaws

One of the many problems humans and societies around the globe face is the inequality between sexes. In a patriarchal society where men are seen as stronger, better, and more important, women have always been thrown under the bus when it comes to human rights. Of course, that doesn’t mean we haven’t been working towards that equality and getting closer to it; we have been, and we’ve made progress. When women were finally allowed to go to school, University of Iowa became the first coed public university in 1855. When women were given the right to vote in the 1920’s, we became another step closer to gender equality. In 1981, A Louisiana court overturned the Louisiana Head and Master Law, a law saying husbands had complete control over marital property and could manipulate any marital property, including mortgage, without the wife’s consent. These are all monumental steps that we have taken as a country to further equalize the rights of men and women.

But, this doesn’t mean sexism has been abolished completely.

Similar to racism, the segregation and discrimination did not end as soon as a law was passed or when an act was signed. Sexist culture still exists today, and it exists in many different forms. And while I agree conditions for women today are better than they were a century ago, they are still not ideal. Rape culture specifically hurts women in a sexist society, which I talk with more depth in in my rape culture article linked above.

Sexist double standards in our society are prevalent when we view standards for men vs. standards for men. A common example, for one, is when a woman dates many men, she is considered a “slut” or “whore,” but when a man dates many women he’s “killin’ it!” Or when we look at the way men and women are dressed, and the double standard of what’s “acceptable” or not. A man could be shirtless in public and nobody would turn an eye, but as soon as a woman wears low-cut clothing or short shorts, or in many schools when girls expose their shoulders or bare backs by wearing tank tops, they are immediately shamed and deemed degrading and offensive terms such as “slut” or “whore.”

In no way does any of this make sense at all. How can two human beings, made out of the same DNA and skin and bone, be treated so differently based on only one aspect of their identity? How is this fair to anyone? How can we ignore this demeaning norms of society and continue to live our lives knowing that half of the world’s population must face injustice through these double standards?

This is why we need feminism. Feminism is a commonly misunderstood and controversial term. Often times, and understandably, we see extreme feminists (or “feminazis”) who preach the reversal of misogyny and inequality to the point where feminism is no longer fighting for equality, but rather for a female dominated society. These aren’t real feminists. That is not what feminism stands for, and that needs to be understood. Feminism is, by definition, “the theory of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” The main goal behind feminism is equality and solely equality. Feminism does not promote inequality in any aspect, because the world as we know it now is strongly shifted in favor of men. Double standards are direct examples of how sexism still exists, as well as the fact that patriarchy is still the basis of this culture.

Open your eyes.

The truth is, the sexes are still not treated equally. Sexism is still very much a thing, and it’s not hurting women only. Men suffer from it too, and sometimes people fail to realize that as well. In today’s world, we cannot ignore problems that are not directly affecting us. Men: when you ignore women’s rights, sexism, and promote misogyny because you are not a woman, you are promoting the wrongness of inequality and degrading nature of your mother, your sisters, your aunts, your daughters, your wife, your girlfriend, and you are hurting them. Open your eyes to the world women live in, especially those in your lives. Does your girlfriend have to watch her back when walking on the streets alone, afraid of being sexually harassed? Does your mother have to work harder than the male coworkers in her office to earn the exact same pay as them? Does your daughter have to worry about her outfit choice everyday, because she realizes that men might see low-cut or short clothing as an invitation to her body? You may not be a woman, but you sure as hell need to worry about the misogynistic culture your loved ones face everyday. And since you are a man, ignoring these problems will not only hurt the important women in your life, but you will continue to conform in this patriarchal society.

Open your eyes.

