TV Show List

a comprehensive list of all of my favorite tv shows and why i love them: remember these are just my opinions! 

[ * starred shows are the ones i would recommend to anyone and everyone * ]


Breaking Bad – 10/10 *

I had always wanted to watch this show, but never really got around to it until recently when my friend forced me to watch the pilot episode… and boy oh boy am I thankful he did that. I tried not to get too attached to the show and its characters, but by the middle of the second season I was a goner. It’s that good. The plot is intricately played out and the show pays attention to the smallest, yet incredibly significant details. It throws you into the drug cartel world, something that not every show has the ability to portray so realistically and terrifyingly as this show has done.


The show slowly but surely became my number one favorite show of all time. It essentially got under my skin and made me feel intense emotions of empathy, hatred, victory, and everything in between. I made a real connection with the characters, who were flawlessly portrayed, written, and developed. The show is littered with hidden morals and conflicting themes that make it all the more complex and intricate, something I really enjoyed about it. I could spend literal hours talking about those themes and motifs. Everything about this series was incredible; it was heartbreaking, devastating, action-packed, and absolutely mind-blowing. Words will never be able to justify my deep infatuation with this show.


Game of Thrones – 10/10 *

If you like war, sex, dragons, and hot people, this show is definitely for you. Unarguably one of the best and highest rated shows to ever air on TV, Game of Thrones is a thrilling take on the legendary novels by George R.R. Martin. The show itself is well written, the characters are wonderfully developed and the actors/actresses portray their roles beautifully. There’s no denying that it takes a lot to understand and fully comprehend what’s going on, but its complexity is one of the best parts about it. This show is addicting, thrilling, provocative, and very much worth your time.


The Office – 10/10 *

I started out hating this show, not really understanding all the hype behind it. However, a year or so after making this initial observation, I gave it another try, and boy am I glad I did that. The Office is witty, humorous, and uncomfortable in all the right places; the characters are so unique, and each and every one of them contributes to the show as a whole in their own way; if one of the characters theoretically wasn’t ever a part of the show, then the whole show would be different. I’ve rewatched this show more than any other show, because it simply never gets old. It’s also one of the easiest shows to quote, as there are many, many iconic scenes and lines that will literally go down in TV show history.


Parks and Recreation – 9/10 *

Parks and Rec is definitely one of the most unique shows out there. Its witty yet almost stupid sense of humor will make everyone laugh, and its character development is phenomenal. The way it’s filmed makes everything better and I love the polarization of each character in the show. There’s just something about this cast and show that seems so realistic. The relationships these characters build with each other makes your heart warm, and you root for each and every one of them in their journey throughout the seasons. There is truly nothing like this show, and it remains one of my top shows of all time.


Black Mirror – 9/10 *

There isn’t a single show out there that will blow your mind like this one. As an anthology series, every single episode is independent and unrelated to the previous ones. Watching one episode is like watching a mini movie. The purpose of the show is to make you realize the effect of technological advancements and social media upon society, and give us a very realistic look into what the future could look like to us because of those effects. It’s a very raw representation and doesn’t hold back, which makes it all the more bone-chilling and thought provoking.

Sidenote: Season 4 Episode 6 had me sitting in a dark room in silence for 10 minutes after I finished it, it haunted me.


Bob’s Burgers – 8/10

This show is ridiculous, to put it nicely. The humor is so dumb and the animation is interesting, but that’s just what makes the show so unique and lovable. Each episode takes you through the life of the Belcher family and the chaos that ensues, making it probably my favorite animated series. This show isn’t for everyone, but give it a try, it really could make you laugh to the point of crying 🙂


The Walking Dead – 8/10

Don’t get me wrong, this show is not for the fainthearted. If you can’t stand graphic imagery comprised of the decomposing body parts of very realistic zombies, then I would not recommend this to you. If you cannot stand seeing body parts and decapitations every episode, this show is especially not for you. However, this is a fantastic dystopian series with characters you will get VERY emotionally attached to. You will fall in love with them. Their journey is an incredible adventure that will keep you at the edge of your seat.



It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia – 8/10

The same friend that recommended Breaking Bad to me recommended this show to me, so naturally I took that recommendation, and once again, I do not regret it. It’s Always Sunny definitely isn’t for everyone, as I would consider it crude and not very PC, but nonetheless, I find that to be its defining characteristic. The show is absolutely unbelievable and you wonder at times how these characters are still alive. They have a great group dynamic, and each of them bring something to the show that makes it what it is. It’s also very binge-worthy, and extremely addicting.


Criminal Minds – 8/10

I finished 10 seasons in one and a half months. That’s how incredibly addicting this show is. One of the best parts about it is the chemistry (on and off screen) between the cast and characters, they have such a wonderful and real connection with each other, it makes watching the show even more engaging. Mixed with fascinating cases, twisty plot lines and chilling psychopaths, this is probably one of the most binge-worthy shows. There is absolutely nothing to hate about this show and it greatly influenced my passion and desire to study psychology in college.


Rick and Morty – 8/10

I love this show. I think it’s ridiculous, but absolutely genius. The humor is weird yet smartly written, the plot is nonsensical, the characters are absurd and the animation just ties it all together. It’s one of the most extreme examples of a cult TV show that I’ve ever seen, as people will die by this show. I’m not entirely sure how to describe it, but you just have to watch it to really see where I’m coming from.


Stranger Things – 8/10 *

Stranger Things is an enthralling show that keeps you at the tip of your toes with each episode. It’s impossible to not fall in love with the characters, as each of the kids are amazingly bright and loyal to each other. It mixes the themes of friendship, family, and sci-fi monsters all into one extremely well produced show, and it’s very hard to stop once you start. For example, I finished the entire second season the day it came out (all in 19 hours) that’s just how good it is. However, I do believe it’s overrated at times, but regardless, still a good show.


One Punch Man – 8/10

This show is an anime, which isn’t for everyone, but I find it to be extremely worthwhile. It focuses around a superhero that can kill anything with just one punch, which makes his life boring to an extent. The humor in this show is just perfectly executed and I absolutely cannot wait for the second season.


Soul Eater – 8/10

This show is another anime, but definitely a good one. Each character has their own distinctive traits that you either love or hate, and the plot is very engaging. The very concept of the show itself is intriguing, and you will come to appreciate the tenacity of each character as they proceed through their own path of character development. The relationships between the weapons and the meisters will be your new favorite thing, trust me.


The Vampire Diaries – 7/10

I feel like this show has developed a stigma around it for the misconception that it revolves solely around a stupid love triangle. While this is true for the first couple of seasons, there is SO much more to this show than just that, and you find that out as you continue to watch it. The plot keeps you on the edge of your seat, the characters are easy to fall in love with (or hate) and the cast seriously houses some of the most attractive people to walk the planet. Each character gets their own unique identity as the seasons progress and are extremely well-developed by the last season. Additionally, it’s important for me to point out that Malachai “Kai” Parker (a sociopathic villain) is my absolute favorite TV character, ever.

Honorable mention: also check out the spinoff The Originals, because the five original vampires have a very interesting history and story line themselves.


The End of the F***king World – 7/10

Not a very well known show, but definitely worth a mention. It’s weirdly charming, super exciting, and has an oddly fascinating dynamic that’s palpable as you follow two teenagers (one’s a psychopath that wants to kill the other, and the other is just a rebellious teenager) on their journey and attempt to run away. It’s a strange show, but it’s unlike anything you’ll ever see.


Catfish – 7/10

More of a documentary-reality TV type of show, Catfish is a guilty pleasure of mine. I love Nev and Max, the hosts, and watching these real life stories of people using the internet to befuddle others is oddly entertaining to me.