sui generis

su·i ge·ne·ris

  1. unique.


i often think about how small the odds of us were.

out of seven billion people in this world,

three hundred million in this country,

five million in this state,

one hundred and seven thousand in this city,

and thirty three thousand people at this university,

i met you.

somehow, our paths crossed in the time and space continuum, and the universe willed us to be in each others lives. i think that the odds of us were absolutely not in our favor, and yet, we defied the odds.

i know we can both feel it. the electricity between us is compelling, it’s primal, and it draws us to each other like magnets. despite being away from each other for nine painful months, we found our way back to each other. i told myself in those nine months that we were never meant to be, but the universe is telling me the exact opposite today; i think it’s telling me that we were absolutely meant to be.

and see, that’s the thing: the time we spent apart from each other helped us both grow as people, and learn from our mistakes or from our hardships. without that, i don’t think the bond that we share right now would be anywhere near as unwavering or authentic as it is. with the pain we suffered came the most exhilarating opportunity for us to be what we were always meant to be, and at a whole new level.

it’s amazing how your words hold an unspeakable power over me.

at two thirty a.m. in the night, you’re the most vulnerable, raw, and honest version of yourself, and there is nothing more powerful than knowing and experiencing that. it was only a year ago where prying your thoughts out of your mind was impossible, but now, i’m able to hear you speak to me in the most uncensored way possible. the progress we’ve made in just these few weeks is irrevocably telling.

you told me last night that my influence on you molded you into a better version of yourself. i changed you, and you’re not the same person you were as before you met me. you told me that i am one of the few people in this world that knows you just like the way i do, and you told me that my very existence in your life means the world to you. every word you uttered at two thirty a.m. about how much you value us struck me in the most profound way. the beauty in the effect we have upon one another cannot be accentuated enough. we were born to change each other’s lives.

we’re so, so real. everything about us is genuine, from the unconditional respect and fierce appreciation we have for each other, from the insatiable desire to be near each other at all waking hours of the day, from the ability we have to constantly surprise one another every single day, everything about us is real. there’s just something about you that i can’t get from anyone else in this world. i don’t know what it is, i can’t put it into words, but i know i can feel it. i feel that i need it, just as my body needs oxygen, and i will suffocate without its presence in my life. you are one in seven billion.

your existence conceives the most sui generis impression upon me.
